14 February 2010

A male friend as one step before a girlfriend

The theory I was exposed to first came from the novel "Kokoro(heart)" by Natsume Souseki. "Teacher" told "I" that "I" approached him as one step before "I" approach a girl. At that point of my high school year, I was so sexually isolated and had no relation so I did not have a chance to prove the theory. Now, I still remember it and think it was right. I talked to young European men these days and I think I am not a gay and I like girls as sexual partners, I feel I unconsciously talk to European men as one step before I talk to European girls because European men have something common with European girls. Through socializing with European men and befrinds with them, I gain social label and connection into European youth society. I feel more confident to have male European friends when I seek relationship with European girls.

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