19 February 2010

The bottom of depression

Today, I felt so anxious after I drank a cup of coffee and smoked one cigarette. I lay on the wooden chair and soon fell asleep. I tried not to rehearse past failures and extensive negative thoughts, but I was pulled into my dark unconsciousness and had a nightmare. It was not event-specific, but I woke up with the feeling of hopelessness. I told myself not to sink deep into the negative thoughts and not to embrace despair, but I told myself that it was possibly the lowest point of depression this time, and I needed to pass the worst point by letting out all the negative emotions to move on to the recovery phase. Depression doesn't take forever but it surely need a sufficient amount of time and a lot of energy and it is unavoidable for my mind not ot have any anxiety, stemless hopelessness and despair. I should be conscious of how my mind work at every stage of my mental phase and expect the next wave coming, and that let me step out of the turbulence of my occasionally dysfunctional mind and stay sane.

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