07 February 2010

Aspie-quiz result and my analysis

Your Aspie score: 122 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 68 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie

What I found about my aspieness and aspie in general


-are afraid of safe situations and sometimes seek thrills.

-have difficulties accepting criticisms, correction and direction.

-are not always bullied.

-are impatient and low frustration tolerance.

-have unconventional ways solving problems.

-need periods of contemplation

-do not necessarily have a special talent.

-get confused by several verbal instructions at the same time.

-have difficulties describing and summarising events, conversations and something they've read.

-need to do things themselves to remember things.

-find it difficult to take notes in lecture.

-are easily distracted.

-and NT's can't handle multiple tasks.

-unlike NT's, do not prepare for the situation they will encounter in future.

-get frustrated if something important to them are interrupted.

-have no attachment to certain favorite objects?

-do not always have routines to follow.

-find it disturbing or upsetting when others show up either later or sooner than agreed.

-feel out-of-sync with others.

-nobody is so typical.

-have less interest of current fashions and gossip.

-say things that are considered socially inappropriate when they are tired, frustrated or when they act natural.

-find it easier to understand and communicate with odd & unusual people than with ordinary people.

-have atypical sense of humor.

-are attracted to normal sexuality.

-a little tend to obsessed with potential partner.

-feelings regulary swing between hopelessness and extremely high confidence.

-have trouble with accepting authority.

-sometimes lie awake at night because of too many thoughts.

-have usual sexual preferences.

-stuck when asked questions in social situations.

-are more tired after they socialize.

-need to generate after socialize alone.

-are hard to be emotioanally close to other people.

-dislike touch and hug without being asked for it, but if prepared, it's ok.

-and NT's do not feel at ease in romantic situation.

-dislike working while being observed.

-have lots of thoughts that are hard to verbalize.

-need extra time and pose to carefully think out their reply before they answer.

-often don't know where to put their arms.

-tend to talk either too softly or too loudly.

-have odd posture or gait unconsciously.

-fiddle with things.

-look a lot at people they like and little or not at all at people they dislike.

-have problems with timing in conversation.

-express their feelings in ways that baffle others.

-are often misunderstood.

-tend to interpret things literally.

-are surprised to see other people's motives are.

-have difficulty understanding the notion of initiatives and think it is not necessary.

-think NT's are mind-readers that is wrong.

-think themselves sincere and honest and they assume everyone should be.

-have difficulty take messages on the phone and pass them on correctly.

-drop things when attentions are on other things.

-dislike someone being behind them.

-are not necessarily hyperreactive to physical pains.

-are very sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure.

-have difficulties finding and maintaining friends.

-shut down or meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed.

-are harder to make it on their own.

-are sometime afraid in safe situations.

-have difficulty accepting criticism, correction or direction.

-are prone to getting depression.

-are sometimes taken advantage of.

-are impatient and have low frustration tolerance.

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