14 February 2010

I said to Claudio, young Swiss man, I had a girlfriend in Phuket and that statement cleared up Claudio's suspiscion that I might be a gay and attempting to tempt him. Also, I realized that saying I have a girlfriend indicate I have a socially normal and competent in sexual competition, and hence, appropriate as a friend. He visibly opened up and we talked to each other like long time friends.

I found European people have consistency and patience in conversation and that made me feel less anxious and more secured I could stay there with the warmth of social involvement. Thai and other Asian people are quick and easy to catch up and their temper heats up quickly but the conversation never endure long nor goes deeper and they easily lose interests and walk away. To point out positive attributes about Europeans, I would say European's social skills are, generally speaking, more advanced and mature. Asian's relationship is comparatively more belonging while European's relationship is more involving. Europeans are open to talk in public whether or not they belong to a social group while Asians are not.

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