31 January 2010

love and importance of writing and organizing and being busy

I love writing. I really love it. Describing and organizing events and my thoughts are self expression and output. We get the most healthy and side-effect-free contentment when we make effort expressing ourselves.

I listened to Owl city's "Fireflies" and I really liked it and the melody is repeating over and over all the time when I am writing this. The sound in my head is dreamily sweet and imagination-inspiring.

One more thing to succeed in social scenes is to keep busy and organizing stuff. Do not let my brain space be the sole space of data saved, but make a bit more effort to write and list up and organize past events and thoughts and also write down my plan in future so that I can rightly prepare for them. Socializing help me to keep busy like other people and that's good thing because busy girls like busy boys. And they believe as a modern socioeconomic notion that busy, or business, is a good thing and lazy and unbusy are no good. Often the idea lacks the supporting reasons and evidence, but if girls believe so it is easier to make myself busy than convincing her busy is not necessarily a good thing.

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