06 January 2011

3 Essencials to stay out of depression

1.good will or thinking
2.good brain chemicals
3.good environment

If any of these 3 lacks, you are vulnerable to depression. For a short period, two of them can resist depression, but if you want stay away from depression for a long time, you need three of them.

16 October 2010

I'm doing good.

I got a teaching job and working every day. It gives me discipline and moderate social pressure. I love to express myself in the class room. I easily fit in this job. Bupropion is working well still. Ejaculation delay of SSRI has has been solved taking bupropion. I now enjoy the pleasure of early ejaculation lol. I love my work. I love my life. Stable life is the best. I don't wanna go back to bipolar "roller coaster" mental states. I have a minor problem, though. I have bad dreams every night. They are so hopeless and dreading. I wake up with despair and it takes some time to convince myself that was just a dream, and raise my mood up to the normal.

03 October 2010


I now take one bupropion tablet in the morning, and it works great. I feel peaceful all day and bring the control of my brain into my hands back.

There is one problem, though. I have nightmares almost every night. Last night I jumped out of my bed and hit my face on the desk.

Maybe, subconscious mind somehow works as a balancer between happiness and unhappiness. Or, maybe we humans are programmed not to be all happy.


I now take one bupropion tablet in the morning, and it works great. I feel peaceful all day and bring the control of my brain into my hands back.

There is one problem, though. I have nightmares almost every night. Last night I jumped out of my bed and hit my face on the desk.

Maybe, subconscious mind somehow works as a balancer between happiness and unhappiness. Or, maybe we humans are programmed not to be all happy.

01 October 2010


I'm now trying bupropion, an antidepressant, and it is the first non-SSRI antidepressant taken singly. I could switch from Lexapro without white-out period and did not have much adverse-effects, even lexapro's withdrawal effects. for not it works like the the earlier day's lexapro - mild, feel ok, calm, and clever. with bupropion, i sweat less than lexapro. ejaculation problem has not improved yet despite its reputation as non sexual side effects.

13 September 2010





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